By how much will the next President really affect your life? - government money for re-training
A few months ago:
One man said: "(he) can bring to the faith of the country."
Another said: "(He) can create jobs for the country."
The President will actually create jobs in the industry? Regardless of how Roosevelt 30s in the years? (Note: This has the huge amount of money spending on public construction projects have been).
As the President has really affected our daily lives? As a man of faith in God will bring you personally? These things really are to each individual.
I do not think we have a problem of employment. Rather, we have a problem of skilled labor. Yes, disappear unskilled workers (manufacturing) jobs overseas. There are still many jobs in the service sector. What we really need is more trainsIng ..... or retraining for better jobs.
Look at the unemployment in the area of training. This is 8-9% for people without a diploma. Is anything less than 2% for those with a diploma (degree) or more.
They do not know whether the next president in a position to provide jobs for us - I think the best thing you can do to try to stimulate our economy and to try to enhance the growth of employment.
Our President has in any case our daily life - the decisions they make during their tenure has a direct impact on everything that happens. It affects our schools, our taxes, our health, our laws. The list is long. I suspect most people do not realize that things are influenced by the President, but.
A person can not have God, you personally, especially not the president. It is a work of elected government officials to God that no one take - a good president wanted his religion to his personal life that she deserves to leave, and do not try & #039; bring God to the nation.
You're right - those who are employed in the manufacturing sector begin to alternatives to their jobs outside of the source. But I think this will be the person trying to figure out what the next step. Whether training, most schools and decide what is best for them as individuals.
Your point is well taken. The truth is that the president has no influence on our lives, but not in the vicinity, where the effect of public opinion. Clinton has not had a favorable economic growth during his presidency, and Bush is not on the escalation of oil prices over the year to be held. Benefit both to excess, but all sorts of little events take each day, focusing on the big picture. The President has little or no control over any of them.
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