Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cow Apron Business Card Follow-up?

Business card follow-up? - cow apron

He currently works as a waiter in a small Italian restaurant. Every Friday a group of 8 or less, Dr. come to lunch. Well, this Friday, they sit in my group. I welcome them, then drink orders as usual, nothing outside the norm. Thus, if one order of magnitude of the ladies in a cafe, asked me if I wanted whipped cream, and she said yes. His colleague and I joked put the whole cow. And she said, shyly: "I like cream. So when I use the coffee, half-jokingly, half your costume extra large cream quietly put aside, he thanked me and to everything. I did not think until it was time for the review. I ran to her credit card and took him to sign for him, thanked him and then left. When I saw the presenter seemed to open at the front desk to check normally and also your calling card. She wrote: "If you ever tried something new want to try out, call me. "The company for which he works, is well established and reputable. Quickly I saw my apron for my boss, and never, like many other things that theost. Recently just came through again, and have, ironically, meant to do what she suggests. There are more than one months and not since been seen since then in the restaurant.
So .... How can I continue to offer? Has been doing for too long? What is the best way to go about the situation in general? Any advice would be very grateful.


wyomugs said...

As the old adage "nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Give the lady a call ... Remember the incident ... and say you want to discuss the offer "something new." GOOD LUCK!

Have a nice day.

belve said...

Hey, they obviously enjoyed his bold and innovative approach to relationships with customers, asking why other people the idea now?

Of course you have in you, not what feels better to do. It's your ball game dude!

imbored said...

It is not too long. I would say, and leave a message if no answer. that you were very busy, but he wanted to discuss his offer. if it does not wait to be called back for 3-4 days, and send an e-mail surveillance.

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